Friday, August 17, 2007

So Incredibly Annoying to Me

While Bart's interchange with Mike was recieved well by Bart just reading about it makes me shake my head. I know, it's pathetic that I read about what is happening in my own home before I have a chance to hear about it, but I'm just going to leave that fact for another blog entry.

The thing that annoys me most is that in 2 weeks, when Mike can't pay the fine and has to go to jail, it will still be our fault for not paying his fine. He refuses our help, but then will blame us later.

That is the hardest part for me. ANd I get annoyed.

1 comment:

  1. Claudia,

    I tried to vote on your poll but it wouldn't let me. I think the video posts are fun but you are way braver than me!

    I thought I was a regular reader but I obviously missed where you spoke of adopting again(read it on Cindy's blog).

    If you don't mind me asking, are they boys or girls, little kids or teens. I understand if your not ready to talk about it yet, I just thought that I may have missed that info too.

    Congratulations on your expanding family!
