Thursday, August 30, 2007

"That Doesn't Make Any Sense"

Mike called here a few minutes ago wanting to know if he could come over. I told him that he could not. That we had tried that and it didn't work.

"That doesn't make any sense" he said.

I tried to begin to explain why all of the things he had done over the past month were what didn't make any sense, but I stopped myself and told him it was best if I didn't keep talking. He said, "I'll just call Dad."

Last week he was here with a buddy picking up his stuff, confident and happy and obviously sure whatever place he was going to next was going to be great. He felt so good he thought he could be rude and disrespectful to me.

But today it makes no sense that he can't come home.

But I wonder what does make sense for him?

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