Tuesday, August 21, 2007

There are Times When you Just Gotta Rejoice

In the midst of stress there are times set aside for pure joy.

Some of my purest joy times are the opening of a new Apple Product. I know that sounds shallow, but I love Apple.

And today my new IPhone arrived. It was activated within 3 minutes. DIdn't have to go to any cell phone store or anything.

Now I am syncing everything that I had ready -- music, photos, phone numbers -- I spent Friday geting them all ready to transfer.

I"m a geek when it comes to Apple Products, I admit it. They have changed my life and given me power to do things I never thought I'd ever be able to do.

AAAAhhhhh --


  1. Claudia is in her happy place.

  2. I remember back at BWC when you had gotten that small protable type writter that took those small cassette ribbons.. I remember when that was the "WOW" .
    Wonder what 10 or 20 years from now will bring.
