Thursday, August 23, 2007

Too Much of a Good Thing

As Bart Mentioned in his blog entry this morning we are experiencing the piece after our most recent storm.

So by 10:30 last night I was asleep. I woke up at 6 and thought "wow, this feels good, I'm going to sleep some more" and again and seven and thought "Wow, that felt even better, I think I'll sleep some more." I had to be somewhere at 8:40 so I turned the alarm on and fell back asleep.

I then had one of my famous dreams...

I woke up and walked downstairs to find a room full of people for an adoption training. Bart was covering for me but I could tell he was frustrated so I gave him a glance that said" let me grab a shower" and he nodded with a glance that said, "But you BETTER hurry." The room was full of families and their children were present -- even a two parent Cambodian family with two small children.

For some reason I had to walk outside to the shower that was at a campground or outdoor YMCA program or something. I realized halfway up this huge hill that I had forgotten to bring a towel, soap, shampoo or something to change into. But I decided I would figure something out. When I got there, I saw a path leading to the shower with our family towels thrown along the path -- must have been a place where our kids frequented often. So I grabbed the dryest one and went along my way tot he shower.

I get in the shower as I frantically search for small pieces of soap. I recognize our Suave Strawberry shampoo bottle in the shower that one of the children had obviously left there, so I use that. When I get out, to put my dirty clothes back on, I realize that it is already 10:00 a.m. and Bart will be furious for having to cover for me for an extra hour.

A that moment my alarm went off and I realized that it was 8:20. I had thought I had set it for 8:10. I needed to be out of the house in 15 minutes. I scurried to find everything, went and took ANOTHER SHOWER, and rushed out the door.

And as I breathlessly landed in the front seat of our van I reminded myself of how much better my morning had been had I gotten up at 7. Because even with sleep, sometimes you can get too much of a good thing.

NOTE: This post has been edited. If you were lucky enough to have read it in the last hour or two you got the uncensored version. The stuff I censored made it much more interesting, but apparently it was inappropriate.

As Dominyk has said, "Sometimes I HATE being a preacher's children." (or wife, in this case).

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