Friday, August 17, 2007

What do you Think?

Several bloggers try to do a video post each week. I have the technology, so I thought I'd try it. If you think it's a good idea I can fancy it up and do some music and a title slide as an intro. I'll even take request as to topics to talk about. I'm a little concerned that seeing and hearing me live might scare people away from the blog as opposed to drawing traffic.

So you let me know. Maybe i'll add a poll to make it easy....


  1. claudia, i enjoyed it! your sense of humor came through

  2. I very much enjoy your blog. We are in the middle of our first adoption journey ourselves.

  3. Video adds a lot! You did fine!
    I think you should do it!

  4. Video killed the radio star.

    Go for it.

  5. I love it! Keep it up!
