Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Anybody else seen anything like this?

i have two children who just cannot let something go. If they get it in their mind that they are going to do something, then they are willing to trade anything for it. In fact, the last time there was a showdown about something with one of them, he lost the opportunity to live with us because he was so violent.... was arrested and everything, all because he couldn't go to a friend's house.

The same kind of behavior was exhibited by another one of my children tonight. That child would ahve been willing to trade anything for an extra hour with friends. It was scary to see the stubborn determination to get ones way.

And of course, I wasn't going to lose. The situation was about church meetings, and they come first. Period. But it was quite an extensive battle.....

And I won this one.

But the amount of energy some kids make me spend to win is just too much.

I can't wait until this transiiton to school starting is over. Jimmy, who was so bad the 10 days before school started has been fine every since he went to school the first time. I'm hoping that some of the other kids will get over the hump and have as much of a change.

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow, you're only a day away.....

1 comment:

  1. Claudia,

    You are most definitely correct. He is an amazing writer and I am certain a wonderful speaker. It is no secret why he was called into the ministry. You and your children are very blessed!
