Saturday, September 01, 2007

Blogging with my Man

We're pretty pathetic. We're sitting in our bedroom, each on our computers, blogging. Funny, huh? His entry is great,.

How much should I blog about last night? Probably not much..... I was up until 3:30 after helping Salinda report harrassment at 1:00 a.m. to an officer who came to our home. She is back to wanting to transfer again and I went to bed a little after 2 but didn't fall asleep until 3:30. I got up and went to the YMCA, much to my surprise and then had an Iced Tea and muffin with a friend (which I will blog about in a moment).

I am going to once again offer Salinda the option of transferring again, but I am going to make her face the consequences of her choices this summer by starting the school year off in a school where people want to beat her up. I'm not being cruel (I actually couldn't get a transfer approved this quickly anyway) but I do see a need for her to deal with what has happened to her. She spent the summer believing that she could handle relationships with people three years older than she is, so now she has to reap the consequences of those decisions. But I will be reasonable and offer her another school choice.

She, of course, slept hours longer than I did, going to sleep long before I was done worrying about her life. And now she is happy and perky. She and a friend are helping clean the house and she asks as if last nights crisis was nothing. I've never been moody so this is hard for me to understand.


  1. I know Salinda is quite a bit more rebellious than I was but please don't make her start off in that school... nightmare memories for me of the same ordeal.

    No one should EVER fear physical abuse by anyone (even a peer).

  2. Well, we have a safety plan in place. The school officials will be notified AND the liason police officer at the school will be consulted.

    And, truth is, we aren't even sure that the girl is even going to school this year. I think it was her ploy to get to transfer to the alternative school

    Now that she found out that she has to be 16 to go to that school (the one of her new best friends goes to) her begging to transfer has stopped... But I told her after the first week it was as bad as she anticipated, that I'd fill out transfer paperwork.

    History has shown that she over-dramatizes events and can see only one solution, but after a few days she comes around.

    If I really didn't think she was safe, I would never make her go.

  3. That Salinda is a sly one. It's a wonder why God would make someone so incredibly beautiful, also so incredibly stinky. LOL

    I've read your blog long enough to know you wouldn't purposefully put your child into a dangerous situation.
