Saturday, September 15, 2007

Expecting the Unexpected

Went to see Ricardo play football this morning. I hadn't even made it over to the game (was waiting int he van for it to warm up a little bit) before he was coming back over with his coach to tell me that he might have broken his collar bone. So, we headed to urgent care and sure enough, he broke it. No more football this fall and he has to wear a clavicle splint for 4 weeks. He is in a lot of pain right now and sad that he no longer can play football.

Meanwhile Tony is playing his game with Rand there watching. We are lamenting the fact that our washing machine part is on backorder for yet another week and Bart is still trying to find a way we can replace the van. he's reconciling the checkbook right now and is sighing heavily.

I have several things I should do today but am feeling very unmotivated. Would rather not do any of them. But I'm sure some of them will get done....

1 comment:

  1. Oh No! Poor Ricky! You guys need one of those punch cards for the emergency room where your 10th visit is free! ~Kari
