Thursday, September 20, 2007

Just When You Think You're on Track

The morning started out pretty good. Did my stint at the YMCA (tomorrow it will be four weeks straight that I've made it every weekday) and then came home, got everyone ready and off to school. I made a bagel this morning, so I avoided McDonalds and came home ready to hit my to do list hard. I started with getting a load of socks in the wash which I have whined about more times than necessary here on this blog. I hate doing smelly boy socks .... ick ... feel like I need to be disinfected by some industrial strong cleaner every time.

So, I'm putting in the gross socks and Salinda calls from school that she is being harrassed again. I keep telling her to report it and she says she does and nothing happens. She blames me, threatens to leave school, and threatens to take things into her own hands and hit back.

I know she is not innocent every time, but sometimes she is. I wish that I could be sure that she is doing absolutely nothing, but I can't. I do know that these girls have been bothering her for a long time.

So she went to the Asst. Principal and I have a call into him.

But it certainly threw me off track and now all my intense desire to tackle my to do list has disapated and I'm feeling a bit defeated. I'm sure I"ll pull it back together....

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