Monday, September 03, 2007

My Personal Definition of Hell (or at least pergatory)

For the first time in years our kids have to take lunch to school. So today we went to buy stuff for school lunches. I was reluctant to take all four with me but Bart wanted a break.

It was awful. Tony an Dominyk begged incessantly. Begged, and begged, and cried, and whined. I swear it was easier when it took them both when they were 2 and 3. At least then I could lock them in the cart and they didn't have full vocabularies.

There was one point where I completely lost it and started chasing Tony down in the produce apartment actually attempting to run into him with the cart. But I quickly regained my composure but you should have seen his face (and the faces of the poeple around him) when they all thought I was going to run him over.

But we survived.

Now we're heading to the park for a picnic with friends....

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