Wednesday, September 26, 2007

No Way I Can Complain

Sometimes I come to my computer with a long list of things to whine about. Sometimes they are serious issues, but most of the time it is just the daily grind and the pressures of parenting many teens. But I stop dead in my tracks some mornings when I read someone else's blog and it puts things in perspective. I hadn't had a chance to talk to Kari very much this week, so I learned about her latest battle by reading her blog and it stops my from doing any whining this morning.

My kids are in good health and I know where most of them are. Tony's broken tooth that I have to take him in for this morning is nothing compared to what Kari is dealing with. A still-not-functioning-well washer or a printer than won't print certainly don't even rank compared to what is happening for them.

So I think I'll leave my whine list empty this morning and spend that time praying for Kari and Kjirsten instead.

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