Saturday, September 15, 2007

OCD off the Scales

The new car is purchased and I"ll probably post a picture here. We got an incredibly great deal and for that we are very grateful.

Had fun having supper with Kari and MIke using a gift certificate I got for my birthday.

But I came home to yet another 20 minute sobbing fest by Dominyk whose obsession with Vault Zero has gone way beyond help. He can't think about any thing else. He has had one a day this week for being good at school, but now it has to be two or three a day or he just sobs and sobs. We have tried distracting him, spending time with him, talking to him, comforting him, but it just goes on and on. It's getting so bad it almost scares me. His OCD has never been this bad before.

ANd I had his psychiatrist appointment written down wrong, so we missed it this week and he really needs to go in so we can see what we can do about this.

And Tony's rib is not cracked.

And I am wishing it were bedtime...

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