Friday, September 07, 2007

This Morning I Made a Video Cast

I decided it needed music, which of course took me a long time to figure out how to do with the new IMovie '08. This is the first time I've been disappointed with an upgrade to an ILife product. It's hard to navigate and provides less options, it seems, than previous ones. I'm not the only one who feels this way, but I'm sure many of you reading this care so little about IMovie '08 that this paragraph is either annoying you or you've already skipped over it.

I published a post about endurance on my Scripture as I See It blog. It's worth reading even if you aren't interested in Scripture or how I see it. It applies so well to adoptive parenting, having courage, and staying on course even when things don't look good. I really loved it (otherwise I wouldn't take the time to post it).

I also tell you about my trip to the YMCA this morning here.

And I must report that my idea about accountability didn't work as well as planned. I only got from 74 down to 40 before I went to bed. Now I'm back up to 60.

My video I made is uploading. Stay tuned for it's post in a few minutes or so whenever it is done being processed.

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