Friday, September 28, 2007

Two Kinds of Tired

Still feeling drained and tired, without huge reasons to be. Jennifer's comment on last nights blog,

I have that happening with a 7,7 and 4 year old. It doesn't get better??? Please give this poor mom some hope LOL

reminded me of a theory I have about two kinds of energy required in parenting. There is emotional energy and physical energy. When dealing with little kids, like Jennifer's, there is a lot of physical energy involved. This is exhausting. But there is a second kind of energy in dealing with teens that is almost entirely emotional energy. And I think that the teens is even more exhausting.

The most exhuasting year of our parenting was when we had 4 kids ages 11, 9, 3 and 2. We were completely exhausted every day with the combination of the emotional energy required by the older two and the physical energy demanded by the younger two.

i am not sure exactly why I'm so exhausted lately. Probably in addition to everything rational, there is a biorythm thing going on. Who knows.....

1 comment:

  1. It is physical energy with mine but I am also dealing with three children with ADHD, One with Bipolar and one with Aspergers Plus add a Newborn into the mix. I feel like I have as many kids as you LOL. I guess with each age you have new battles to deal with. I am dreading the teen years. The battles can only be fought by the Lord Because I am gonna be so wiped out by then. Hang in there Claudia. TRY and take some you time and get some rest. I know easier said then done. I try myself and my mind races with lists of stuff that has to be done when I try and lay down.
