Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Blip in Paradise

Still having fun with the boys. We took Bart to the airport and dropped him off and I am already missing him.

I got an email from the probation officer. It looks like maybe Salinda will be heading to foster care. I'm asking why. We are willing to have her home, they have determined that she does not need inpatient for psychological evaluation, and that her assessments can be done locally.

I think that those involved are unwilling to recommend that she return home because she will not stay home -- she has shown that by her actions and she will has probably told them that she will run away.

Court is tomorrow. The whole thing is disturbing to say the least. They are having a hard time finding a foster home that will accommodate her and yet they are reluctant to send her to a correctional facility this early in her involvement in the system.

I am just trying to remain calm, enjoy the new boys and relax... there is so little I can do at this point anyway.

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