Saturday, October 06, 2007

Conversation Two from the JDC

I started by letting Salinda know that I was considering coming for a visit today if it looked like she was going to be able to be communicative.

By the end of the conversation it was apparent that she has no intention, today, of being remorseful. She's sitting there plotting how she can play this. It's all about her getting what she wants. And she doesn't really know how to play.

I let her know that she had a decision to make as to how she was going to do this. Either she could say she wanted to come home and change and I would be there to help guide her and give her advise as to how to do that. Or she could choose to attempt to blame her parents and get out of our home, but I reminded her that she might be going somewhere she wouldn't like. I told her that after you are charged with a felany is not the time to start trying to convince people that your parents are the problem.

Right as it was time for her to be done I mentioned RIcardo and how he was beginning to make poor choices. Her response, "It is because YOU are taking away his only friends."

I responded, "You really aren't getting this. I'll be out there tomorrow to see you but I can't take the time to come out today. I just can't afford the time and I don't think that you really understand that kids have choices and responsibility for their actions."

So, tomorrow I will head out to visit her and see if she is ready to say she is sorry and ask to come home. If she isn't, then she gets what she gets.

I am just amazed that after having yet another day to sit there and think, she's still simply plotting her next move to see if she can get a better deal. Maybe her heart is harder than even I thought it was.

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