Friday, October 05, 2007

Decision Made

The Probation Officer called and Salinda is going to be taken back to detention today. Her Probation Officer is a tough one. She told me this was a black and white thing -- that I could not present Salinda with any grey areas. She either violated her release or she didn't. She either needed to be detained or she doesn't.

Fortunately, this is not heading towards the CHIPS road at this point. This is about her conditions of release and her choices. I'm just sad that she is going to be totally surprised today because she had a good night last night.

My plan today is to call her in detention and explain to her why she is there and tell her I will come to see her on Sunday. Hopefully she will have plenty of time to think. She obviously didn't have enough time last weekend.

The hardest part of this is that I have (as you who have been following the blog know) invested so much emotional energy in her over the past 18 months and she is not responding. Either she can't get it together (because of mental illness) or she won't (because of a choice to embrace this lifestyle).

But if we can get her some help because of the choices she's made and avoid a CHIPS petition, false accusations, and an emotional beating by the professionals we'll consider ourselves lucky.

Bart wonders if the judges think to themselves, "I wonder how many more Fletcher's I'll be seein gin the years to come?" And I told him I wonder the same thing.

It's all so discouraging because we really did think that the years with us were going to help them make better choices.

1 comment:

  1. I have wanted to comment on so many things you have shared with over the last week but this one . . .

    i It's all so discouraging because we really did think that the years with us were going to help them make better choices

    . . . has forced me to put thoughts into words.

    I am a preachers kid. Third of four biological children. When I was about 9yo, my older sister (16yo) was addicted to drugs, had run away three times and was currently homeless.

    My sister was born into a stable home and grew up in that stable home. My parents did everything they could to teach her to make better choices. But she had her own mind and so does Salinda. .

    That same sister has been clean/sober for decades, graduated from college and has a wonderful relationship with all of us, especially my parents.

    Hang in there.
