Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Having My Own Party

Every once and a while you just gotta pat yourself on the back and be proud.

Today I found out new that took me to the number 100. ONE HUNDRED children have been placed in homes during 2007 as a direct result of my involvement in the matching process.

Never before in our agenciy's history has this happened (one specialist being involved in 100 matches in a calendar year). I'm kind of amazed myself that it has happened, as I thought it was an impossible goal.

I'm trying to get ahold of Bart to see if we can go to lunch to celebrate. Who cares if we don't have the money? I was able to touch the lives of 100 children this year and help get them into permanent families.

And here is a shout out to lots of folks:

NUMBER ONE shout out goes to the families who are willing to provide the home for the kids....

And the rest, not necessarily in any order....

Second shout out goes to my coworkers who I share several of these matches with, who, at times, did more than I did in working on the match;

Third shout out goes to the behind the scenes people who register kids, answer the phone, raise money, and direct our organization.... no way could this happen without them;

Fourth shout out goes to the team leaders at my organization who make every match we make possible;

Fifth shout out to the workers of the families who work with them, train them, prepare them, and help match them;

and finally;

a huge shout out to any worker of any child who, with their current caseloads, gets what needs to be done done so a kid can come home -- and to their supervisors, support staff, etc. who help make it happen.

I love statistics -- because statistics represent lives. And I am blessed to be used by God who "sets the lonely in families." (Psalm 68:6)


  1. Congratulations on a very wonderful achievement!

  2. Congratulations! This is something to be proud of and shout from the rooftops! I certainly thank you- I did match a child with your help in 2007.

  3. Wow! That is fantastic! Keep up the good work. God willing we will up your stats even more before the end of the year ;)
