Saturday, October 27, 2007

Headaches, Hope, and a Miracle

Thrift stores for Haloween costumes and dresser shopping has given me quite the headache. I took Tony, Dom and Sadie and Tony and Dominyk are so loud. They scream at each other and bicker and argue. It's exhausting.

Sadie had her heart set on an orange "cinderella dress" as she plans to be Cinderella and her new favorite color is orange. I discouraged her, saying she had her heart set on something that did not exist and she was just going to be disappointed. But she would not give up hope.

At the third and final thrift store she found what she was looking for. My mouth dropped open as I really thought there was no hope she would find it. She's thrilled... the party is tonight and she's very ready to go.

This afternoon it's groceries, hangers, soccer tryouts for Ricardo, and cleaning. The dressers are purchased and just need to be picked up.

Getting ready for new kids to move in is always emotionally challenging and physically exhausting, but I know it will be worth it.


  1. Just imagine: someone actually wore that dress ON PURPOSE at some point. Glad Sadie's wish came true!

  2. She looks great, hope your headache improves fast :)

  3. Oh I love the anticipation of new commers. You never know what the challenge will be if there is one at all. So awesome that the children are leaning how to shop at thrift stores that is always fun and the only way for big famlies to survive.
