Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Highlights from Lunch OUt

Bart and I decided to bring the boys to meet our friend Sue and have lunch. Afterwards we told them we were going to take them to drive by their schools and see them from the outside, but that they would not go inside until tomorrow when they register. Little Wilson pipes up, "So, we're gonna do a drive by?"

Later, Leon points out that every time he turns around he sees nothing but white people. So I told him we should count the people of color we saw. Unfortunately, there weren't many out. In fact, since he wouldn't let me count a scare crow that was obviously not white -- very orange face -- there was only one. I reminded him that when he went to school he would see many kids of color as the school was quite diverse.

Bart and I have been joking around about Leon's comment that I was the man and he was the woman and it makes the boys lap. Every time Bart said, "Yo da man" to me they just cracked up.

They have returned to electronic stimulation -- enjoying their psychic space. In an hour or so we will unpack and get more settled. But for now all is good.

The boys are fun. Quiet, but smart. Good sense of humor and always right there mentally when Bart and I joke around, never missing a beat.

1 comment:

  1. You need to update your "About Me". Mama of 12! :o)

