Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I'm such an idiot...

I lived through all this stupidity. Now I have to type it all. But to leave you out of the loop would simply be unfair and unjust and downright inconsiderate.

I worked at my desk this morning and then took off for the presentation about 10:45 with my presenting partner. We made it there in time to meet a good friend for lunch. Right as we were heading out the door for lunch I got a voice mail from Salinda's probation officer. After tons of stress, the judge did order her into a 30 day evaluation program, which was what we were all hoping for. It was a big relief.

I then did the presentation which went well, though I was a little distracted. I think some good matches will come of the trip and that's the point.

After the presentation I was packing up my stuff and my cell rang. It was Rand telling me that MIke ahd left a note at the house saying he had been there and cleaned up for us and that he'd be back tonight. Said he had tried to call Bart. He doesn't know we're out of town, so he was probably thinking we'd come home. He knows he isn't supposed to be there.

I was immediately disturbed and distracted. The kids who are staying there with the PCA don't need him showing up. We left the for the hotel and decided we'd both rather return to our rooms and work than go out to dinner. So I settled in at 4:30 in my room ready to get things done. I realized that I did not have my computer cord and had left it in the car. I decided to work until I didn't have any power left and then get the cord. Around 5 I headed down to the car, taking my ice bin and leaving it by the ice machine knowing I'd surely remember to get it and bring it back.

But I panicked when I got to the car and realized I didn't have the charger and must ahve left it in the conference room when I was packing up and got the call about Mike. So I quick called the folks at the building but they had all left. I jumped in the car and drove back in rush hour traffic. Fortunately I was able to get in the building and the cord was there. I then drove back, stopping to get gas and a milkshake in a drive through where nobody served me until I drove up to the final window and glared.

I finally made it back at 6:30 -- 90 minutes of my time completely wasted, but I did remember this time to get the ice. But got upstairs and realized I had no Iphone and since I still need to figure out what to tell Rand to do if Mike shows up, I had to go back one more time to the car and get the phone.

I've been talking to Bart online now and blogging this... now maybe I can start working like I was supposed to do 3 hours ago. But I have very energy left to do anything.

Sometimes I'm such an idiot.

1 comment:

  1. You're not an idiot, it's just one of those days. I hope tomorrow will be better, I'm glad you had a wonderful time with the boys, you deserves some semistress-free time with your new guys.
