Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The Insurance Call

Yesterday afternoon the insurance company calls, returning Bart's Call, and Perky Polly says, "Hello!!! This is _____ from ____ Insurance and I'm calling to talk to you about your car theft!!!" using the most cheerful voice i've heard in months. I laughed at her and explained that her tone really didn't match our situation.

She had to tape the call and her responses were hilarious. She is such an expressive person and the story was so shocking that her responses were classic. "Oh, my." "You've got to be kidding?" "Oh, my Good Lord." I was amused because her responses were so genuine and so not professional for a tape recording and I almost laughed out loud at her response several times.

At the end of the call, she said, "once again I must ask you if you are aware that this was being recorded." I said, "yes." She responded, "ANd is there anything else that you would like to have on record?"

"Yes," I responded. "I would appreciate if this call didn't end up on UTube.

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