Monday, October 29, 2007

It Felt Like I was Talking to My Daughter

I called Salinda this afternoon after talking to her P.O. this morning who said she thought I should call. I started the conversation with the words "I miss you" and she said she missed me too. I told her about our trip to meet the new boys and how she was really going to like them.

SHe says she hates it there -- that she doesn't belong there -- that the other girls there are even more messed up than her brothers here.

She said she was miserable and had spent a long time crying. The first night she was there she said she cried for about five hours. I told her I was glad she didn't like it because I didn't want her to want to decide she wanted to stay there.

She said she wanted me to call and that I could visit. Said she might need more clothes and that her Probation Officer had said she would bring the stuff.

It was as good of a conversation as could be expected and it was almost like I was talking to the daughter I've known for years. We're praying this will be what it takes to transition her to a new way of life...

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