Sunday, October 07, 2007

A Little Good News

Well, my visit to JDC couldn't have been much better. Salinda was repentant, apologetic, accepted responsibility, gave me a long warm hug, let me kiss her, told me she loved me.

Now we all just have to convince the powers that be that she can handle being home and we can handle her here. WIth the help of probation, she just may be on the right track.

I'm trying not to let the past experience of her brothers affect me and I'm gladly jumping back on the hope train. I know it isn't going to be easy, as she has dug herself quite a hole, but I think she can do it.

At least at this point she is saying what she needs to say. Whether or not she means it, I can't determine, but even a willingness to say the things is a step in the right direction.

Thanks to everyone for their prayers.

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