Thursday, October 04, 2007

Not Enough Time to Tell YOu

I'm only home for a few minutes after being gone for 5 hours. I don't have time to tell you everything that has happened since then but I have been to the therapist twice with two different kids, talked to a school counselor, been to the jail, talked to the Probation Officer, and had to make some difficult decisions. All of this was in regards to Salinda.

I'm sorry you're going to have to wait until later to hear about all this ... but I'm on my way out the door and considering just going to bed when I return. I'm completely exhausted.

And Bart warned me not to try to scoop him about the outcome of Mike's court hearing because he was the one who took the time to go to the courthouse and find out the details. But he doesn't have time to blog yet either.

So, I guess you'll have to tune back in.

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