Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Results of my Poll on Arrested Kids

77% of those of us with kids over 10 have had at least one child arrested. That's a pretty high number...

I also was reminded that I did not have the option of None and I do have teenagers at home, so some of you might have voted that way had I given you the option.

I wonder how this compares with the birth-kids only population.

I am going to do another variation of the poll to clear this up now.


  1. Claudia,
    I'd like you to do two other polls - one on what they are arrested for (drugs, theft, etc) and what age they are arrested at. Is this because of the FAE and can it be turned around???
    Rebecca Kruc

  2. As far as the bio part goes .... the only child who's been arrested is the bio. And my other bio is about thisclose to it as well.
