Tuesday, October 30, 2007

They Have Landed

I'm officially in labor, so to speak. The boys have landed. Bart called about a half hour ago. So that means in about 90 minutes they will be here. We are finishing up last minute cleaning and are excited.... way too excited....everyone is hyper! Bouncing off the walls. Some of the kids are using their energy to help -- others to distract. I've offered rewards and assigned tasks and tried my best to manage things.

We're heading for the countdown...... Sadie is practicing the script for her tour of the house.

I'm warning her it might be chaotic.

Neighbors across the street have brought over chocolate cake and ice cream we're saving for their arrival.

We're just about ready...

(And for those of you who are confused, this is how it went:

Bart and I flew to Dallas on Sunday the 21st. We saw the boys for two days. Then Bart had to fly to Nashvile for a conference. I flew back to MN on Friday, he flew back to Dallas on Friday. On Sunday he spent time with the boys and then attended another conference, which ended today at noon. He got on hte same flight as the social worker and the boys. They left Dallas this afternoon and arrived at 6 and called from the airport.

Nothing is ever easy in our world)

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