Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Very Mellow Morning

This morning has been a very mellow one so far. Everyone is trying to be quiet to le the new boys sleep. It's pretty cute.

Their homecoming was great, but they were quiet and a little nervous. I was surprised that Wilson was more talkative than Leon. Leon was just taking it all in -- you could tell was nervous -- but he's evaluating, analyzing, thinking about what he's gotten himself into... or what everyone else got him into.

Today we'll unpack them and start enrolling them in school. I may take them to get their Y membership taken care of as well. And this is in the midst of all I need to do as well.

I completed the brocure above yesterday in the middle of everything else. I'm wondering if I should add it to the blog and promote my speaking career here or if that would be inappropriate. You can give me your opinions in the simple poll in the sidebar.

1 comment:

  1. I voted, but wanted to add "Why the heck not? It's your blog." LOL

    Angela :-)
