Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Why You Shouldn't Hide out in a Small Town

We got several calls/emails this afternoon letting us know that Salinda was seen in our former hometown. Within a couple hours the sherriff had picked her up.

I talked to her twice. She's really not getting this whole thing. The first conversation she was sobbing and begging to come home. I told her there was nothing I could do. I was not exactly nurturing trying to help her understand that she was in big trouble.

They transported her to detention from teh sheriff's office. Detention in that part of the state anyway. SO she gets a second phone call. Her attitude is much different now that she knows that she can't come home no matter what and she is hardened and challenging. She can't make herself admit she made a mistake. And doesn't even deny that she's been playing me.

Sadie has a doctor's appointment for a sore on her mouth that she's been waiting a week to get attention and if court is at the same time, I don't think I'm going to go to court. There is nothing more to be done but put her back in detention anyway. With her attitude -- no remorse, cocky, sure she's getting away with stuff, I just can't make myself put her ahead of Sadie tomorrow. If the hearing is at a different time and I can make it without cancelling, I will go.

Fortunately for him, Salinda did not reach her destination -- which was to be near John. If she had, I'm sure he would have ran away for her and messed up the progress he's made.

So she'll be in detention until we can set up a meeting to discuss her future. If it doesn't get set up before we leave for Texas it will wait until we get back.

But she's taken this so far down the line -- she denies taking the money and says she planned to never get caught. Had a plan that she wouldn't share with me of how she was going to live and support herself. She is so short sighted I almost laughed at her.

I wish I could report that she had a soft heart and at least felt bad. She doesn't act like she does. She's laughing about how easy it will be to pass her classes if she takes them in detention....

And us? How are we? We're relieved she's safe. We're sorry she's making bad choices. We're exhausted. But we are glad we know where she is and that we don't have to anticipate visits from officers, phone calls from her friends or aquaintances, or from her friends parents or anything else for that matter. We can just sleep.

Which we desperately need to do.


  1. My prayers are with you all.

  2. Thank God she is safe. Now sleep!
