Monday, November 05, 2007

And All, for some reason, Seems Right with the World

This morning things are starting to clear up for me and everything looks brighter. I'm in a great mood and I am finding myself seeing things a little brighter in every way.

For example, Bart gave MIke a ride this morning and he has agreed to be in our family picture. John, Salinda and Kyle will be missing from it, unfortunately, but Mike wants to be in it, and i think that is important for him. I'm slowly opening my mind to ways in which we can be a family to him and still keep the others from being affected.

John would like to come home for Thanksgiving. I am going to let his caseworker know that he can come for a couple days trial, allowing no contact with friends, only with family. If that goes well, we can think about Christmas for a few days.

Salinda had a great conversation with Bart and has desire and intention to return home and do what she is supposed to do.

Adopt America is looking for homes for 17 year olds today. These kids need parents so badly after 18....but who will adopt a 17 year old?????


  1. When we first started our fostering journey, we were looking at a profile for a 16-year-old girl. When we called, it turned out she was already in the middle of being matched.

    But now, the county has given us a 7-day removal notice on our 12-year-old foster daughter and we are done. We are planning on fighting, but I have no idea if we have any prayer of winning.

  2. oh no! Whatever is going on.

    I'm going to have to check out your blog.
