Monday, November 26, 2007

Anyone, Anyone?

In two week Bart and I are going to be going out of town. We are both speaking at the Child Welfare League of America conference in New Orleans. Time sort of got away from us and we are now only 2 weeks away from departure. I'm not going to give exact dates we'll be gone in case one of our readers wants to come rob the house (OK, so maybe that isn't going to happen) but I thought, with all the readers we have, maybe I could see if any of you local readers would like a house guest or two for two days and three nights.

Let me know. I have some cute kids who are very well behaved when they are at OTHER PEOPLE'S HOUSES!


  1. We don't live locally, we are in Canada, otherwise I'd say bring them on over. Our house is feeling rather empty!

  2. I know logistically it probably won't work, but I'm available if you need me. We could meet half-way or something.
