Saturday, November 17, 2007

Birthday Parties

Sadie goes to lots of birthday parties. She seems to get invited to every single one there is. And I read the invitation and I see that the kid needs to be dropped off and picked up and I give her a ride there and I pick her up. So this morning, when her birthday party was to end at 10, I assumed that parents would do the same thing.

I told Sadie though, at 9:00, that i needed to leave at 10:00 a.m. for a meeting, so she should make sure that the kids parents were picking them up at 10:00. Of course, at 9:50, al the sudden they both need rides home. I hurry to make it happen. The first girl tells me she is going the second girls house. I ask if her mom knows that and she says no. I tell her that I am going to take her home, not to the other girls house.

So I get to girl number twos house and she says "can you wait? I don't know if my Dad is home." I wait for her, and eventually she does get someone to open the door. I'm glad I didn't drop off the first girl there like she asked.

I won't go on, but my question is this: Why is it that people assume that parents of large families are less responsible than parents of smaller families? I don't think that you can make a generalization either way, but I just think it is odd that sometimes assumptions can be incredibly false.

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