Friday, November 16, 2007

I'm a Winner

My sister in law, Bart's sister, who lives out east, sent me an email a few weeks ago telling me i should enter a contest to win an IPod Nano. It was with the MacLife Podcast and if you really care to listen, it's the NOv 14th episode and the part about me is about 2:43 into the podcast. He loved my entry and said it was his number one pick.

It went something like this:

My Mac makes me smile because, unlike my husband and 12 children, it does exactly what I tell it to;

My Mac makes me smile because it makes me look like a talented, artistic genius when I am mediocre at best;

My Mac makes me smile because it allows me to do so many things I couldn't do other wise;

and finally, My mac makes me smile because it connects me with the world.

It took me less than 5 minutes to compose this and now I'm the winner of a Nano. I'm not sure what we're going to do with it, so if any of my children are reading this, keep it a secret, OK?

Have a meeting this morning.... am busy now getting kids off to school.

A big thanks to Bart's sister for scouting out this opportunity!


  1. nice! Congrats.

    (I download books from the library to listen to on my mp3 player.)

  2. Awesome! Have fun with it!
