Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Three Stooges

I'm sure that there are some who might conclude that it is wrong for me to say negative things about my children, but sometimes I feel as though I'm living in the middle of a slapstick comedy. Here are some snippets:

Mike disappeared again. No word since he was dropped off for school this morning. He missed his Sentence to Serve appointment. He missed a job interview. We had no idea where he is. He showed up at 5:50 and apologized, explaining where he had been but he smelled so badly of smoke I'm sure he left out a few places he had been.

I took Rand to a job interview today. I brought JImmy along because he was being rude and disrespectful and Bart thought he'd be better off coming with me. Several things happened that made me shake my head.

First I took Rand to find the place where he had an interview last night. He drove around for a half hour last week trying to find it. This was a second interview at the same place. When we got near the place he said, "Hey, I wonder if it is in that one building where I had my first interview with them?" Ya THINK?

Then we got to Taco Johns and I went in with both of them to talk to the manager. He gave them applications. Rand filled his out and was going to turn it in. I asked him if I could check it. There were several lines left blank and a couple grammatical errors. I pointed out that this may be why he couldn't get a job.

Then on the way home, Jimmy had a couple of very brilliant things to say. First, he asked if Mike was home. When I said no he responded, "He must be somewhere else."

And finally, as we headed home, we turned up our street. Our house is on a cul-de-sac with no exit point. And still Jimmy asks, "where are we going now?"


  1. I am glad I am not the only mom that is exasperated by these crazy thoughts and actions by our kids. Thanks again for sharing!

  2. Yes, I know exactly what you mean, both about the things they say and about other people judging that we shouldn't say anything about it. Really, though, what is there to say to that?! LOL

    Angela :-)

  3. claudia, i would hope that people who read blogs, and i read several in several different groups, would understand we are reading just snippets out of someone's life and do not have the information to really judge what they say or do. there is that line i try to live by that says, until you have walked in someone's shoes......
