Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Uh Oh....

Time has gotten away from me this morning and all the sudden I realize that I have not yet blogged. Something nearly unheard of in my world. It's almost noon for Pete's sake (hey, Pete is my brother, I can use that phrase).

So, I'm on an important phone call from work when Mike comes in from some smoke-filled vehicle and says "I owe the school five bucks and I can't eat them until I pay them."

I say, "That must have been money from last year. I didn't even know you were eating at school (in fact, I don't mention this, but I'm not even sure he is GOING to school)."

He says, "Well, I need the $5.00." I said, "Don't eat there. Grab something here." He says, "Well, I still need the five bucks" and I say, "I'll take care of that with the school."

And he meanders his now horribly-like-smoke smelling body back outside the house, stopping to grab an orange t-shirt.

And no, I don't know why he grabbed the orange t-shirt. I hope it was his.

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