Saturday, November 24, 2007

Voted Most Pathetic

I just read my previous post from today and have decided to leave it here and vote it as the most pathetic post of the history of this blog. Over 3000 posts, and that has to be the stupidest most difficult entry to understand ever.

What I was trying to communicate, amidst an array of interruptions from my children, is that when several things are happening at once, none of them super important, I don't tend to blog them. But then it appears as though nothing is happening.

I'm not sure that was any clearer, but anyway...

Argument with Mike this morning where he continues to put blame on everyone else for what happened. Apparently it is our fault he was "locked up" for four years of his childhood and the fact that he is locked up is why he is who he is today. The school he goes to is the reason he started smoking dope. I told him, the fact that YOU put it to your lips is why. Most of the conversation was difficult to connect and annoying. I tried to resolve it as much as possible and I think he is feeling a bit better. But to test his ability to follow directions, I gave in and loaned him money for boxers which he promised to pay off. I gave him a $10 and said "I want every penny of change and a receipt."

He brought back the receipt and no change. Bought an energy drink, but he'd pay me back. I explained that I had made it VERY clear that he could only buy the boxers and that I wanted the change. He just shrugged and said, "It doesn't matter. I'm going to pay it back." See why I love FASD?

We had pizza (I ordered way too much) with the Kari's and some really good brownie/ice cream/fudge dessert thing that was carb and calorie free (in my dreams anyway).

It appears that John made some phone calls when he was home, violating his agreement with us. Not sure what that means in regards to future visits, but I'm fairly annoyed, especially considering that he let Mike take the blame for one of the calls.

I tried to accomplish some things at the computer this morning and got very little done, I'm trying again now with the same results. Getting interrupted so often it's almost not worth it.

I am trying to work on our Christmas letter. I think I'm going to call it the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

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