Sunday, November 04, 2007

Yes, and How Many Kids....

Well, this weekend we have had contact with all twelve of our children. Eight live here, we had lunch with Kyle yesterday, I stopped and saw Salinda yesterday and Bart saw her today...

Then tonight Mike came over. He didn't ask permission, just called and said he was. I was not happy about this, but fortunately Bart had just gotten home and he was able to talk to him. I haven't heard how it went.

John called tonight full of plans and ideas of how things are going to work so well for him if he is allowed to return to our town and go back into foster care. He could tell I wasn't convinced.

However, I am just about to the point where I'm ready to throw my hands up and let them do what they will do with these kids. Every time I try to give an opinion it seems they go against what I think anyway. John is 17 and a half and I think he and Mike and Salinda, all precarious with their choices of friends, will lead each other to a certain demise if all in this town together. But it may be that there isn't anything I can do about it and I should shift my focus into loving them where they are at and letting the chips fall where they may. As long as they are not disturbing their siblings, maybe I should just sit back and pray for them that they make good choices, and try to stop preventing them.

Bart is with Mike now. He had a good conversation with Salinda today. Maybe he'll blog about both those things. If he doesn't, I will.

if I ever get to talk to him (we literally have had less than waking hours together the past two or three weeks I think).

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