Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Again, I Spoke Too SOon

Almost as soon as I hit publish, the phone started ringing. I saw it was a friend of Mike's. I didn't answer. They called again. And again. Finally, they left a message and it was not a friend of his, but Mike himself. "It's Mike. I'm coming to get my stuff."

He gets here. Yells down the stairs -- "I'm coming to get a set of clothes."

"Take all of it please. It's too stressful when you come and go."

"You mean you want me to take all of my SH**?"

"Wow, MIke, you can't even be appropriate for 30 seconds."

"Well, Yyou want me to take it all?"

"I just think it is too stressful for you to come in and out. WE don't know what all you'll take with you when you leave."

"Well, I need to get some help then.

His stuff was supposedly completely packed on Saturday night. But he and his friend have been upstairs for a good ten minutes. I'm staying completely away and letting calm Bart handle it until I see him ride away. I know my presence will only escalate things.


I got involved. I needed to supervise him as he started to roam around the house. To my surprise he was level headed and appropriate. I started trying to explain to him why I hadn't been buying him clothes (he asked the question) but I stopped myself and said, "You know, Mike, I'm not going to even bother to try to explain the whole thing to you again, because you're just not going to get it.....

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