Friday, December 14, 2007

And it's Still Not Over

Sadie's fit continued into the morning. Her final hurrah after being in a constant argument with me throughout her special ride to school that she had to have because she missed her regular ride was to leave the door to the van open so I had to get out and walk around in the cold and shut it

I know that she will keep digging her heals in until I drop the whole thing, and as a therapeutic parent I would be able to lovingly respond to her anger, but today I'm not feeling like a therapeutic parent. I'm feeling like a tired old verbally abused HUMAN who doesn't want to take any more crap.

Maybe by the time she comes home I'll be feeling like a therapeutic parent.


  1. I hear you Claudia!!! I lost it last night and was sick of the crap! I'm not sure why, but it does feel good to kind of lose it once in awhile. I'm never proud of it, but it happens. Good luck. Barb

  2. Claudia,

    I just wanted to let you know that I think what you do with these kids is amazing. My husband and I just completed a temporary foster placement for a sibling group of 7, in addition to our 2. It was an eye-opening experience, and these kids didn't have all the issues with which you are dealing. We were exhausted after just a few days - Kudos to you for being there for all these kids day after day.
