Monday, December 24, 2007

Bouncing Back

My pity parties never last more than a day. I can't stand having one longer than that, and usually a good night's sleep gets me back on track. I got to have one last night and I'm feeling better about my day.

There are still anxiety issues in the back of my head. I keep wondering if MIke is just going to show up on our doorstep and force us to make him leave during Christmas gift opening or something like that. I am still a little nervous that Salinda will flip back to nasty (she flipped to nice by 8 p.m.). And I feel bad that John can't be with us and am struggling as to whether or not I should go visit him after Christmas.

BUT I'm going to rise above. I finally did finish the Christmas Calendar for the relatives. I also have our Christmas letter to upload today as well for your reading pleasure. But right now Blogger is being uncooperative.

I'll see what I can do later today.

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