Thursday, December 06, 2007

Coffee Shop

At the coffee shop again working on a presentation for next week. Bart and I are speaking at the Child Welfare League of America national conference in New Orleans.

It's snowing outside, the both I'm sitting in is cold ... but I'm getting more done here than I have been at home.

Mike is driving me crazy, but I think I figured something out. I recently purchased a Mic to talk to people online and it can get choppy depending on the internet connection. I concluded recently that possibly this is what MIke's brain operates like. Bart mentioned this is his post yesterday which you should read if you haven't already. His ability to reason comes and goes.

It's like he is there is a stream of thoughts that are continuously running in normal brains. I can't touch that, it doesn't belong t me. It's snowing, I need a coat. It's time to take my shower now if I need to leave in 20 minutes. If it is 9:30 and I need to be back by ten, I shouldn't leave now. I can't wear that sweatshirt, it is not mine. That person is frowning. If I go too fast, I'll get a ticket. And on and on and on and on to the point that we don't hear them any more. We just do them.

But what happens if the voices cut in and out. The result is incredibly annoying to everyone else, but maybe you don't even realize it when your mic isn't working so everyone being so frustrated with you all the time might be a little discouraging.

1 comment:

  1. claudia, that was great, you are really getting it. my 6 an 1/2 year old still can't dress herself, not because she lacks the physical skill, but the organizing of all those clothes and what order they go on is overwhelming. of course, the bigger question is, as an adult who thinks like this, how do we keep them and us safe?
