Saturday, December 01, 2007

Disappointment, Anger, and I'm the Target

Of course we're snowed in and Salinda is stuck at her group home. Did I know she would be disappointed? Of course. I am too. Did I know she'd be angry? Definitely. Did I forget she would blame me for everything? Unfortunately.

Yeah, it was my fault. Like I'm God who controls the weather. I should have come yesterday. (We had meetings). I should have come earlier (I already planned to leave at 9). I should have planned differently. In essence, I should have stopped the storm.

And then Mike wants a ride home -- after partying in some fashion all night long. He calls and wants a ride in the blizzard. And of course, Dominyk has a dollar so he HAS to spend it. Ricardo wants a ride to Adams. So much for staying home.

Tony is at camp, giving us a break, but Dominyk is really on a role. Bored... wants stuff, wants trips, wants money, wants, wants, wants, wants, wants.

The pictures above are from when Sadie and Wilson entertained themselves last night by cross-dressing. We call him our third daughter when he does this.

Last night he shows me his painted fingernails -- Sadie's idea and says, "Tomorrow -- Finger polish gone. NO MORE THIRD SISTER!"

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