Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Get More Sleep or Get Things Done

I woke up around 7 this morning and had a decision to make. Get mroe sleep while the kids are quiet, or get things done?

I got up. The house is too quiet for me to sacrifice that time sleeping. I'm working on cleaning off my desk, organizing things.

I must blog that Kyle has grown up. Major issues with holidays and gift giving from his past have caused stress for the last 8 Christmases. But yesterday he was perfectly appropriate. He was helpful. He was grateful. The gifts he purchased were sincere. He was more patient than I've ever seen him.

Ten years ago today we got on that airplane to fly out to Washington state and meet Kyle and Mike. We certainly had no idea what was going to happen or what our lives would hold. If you'd like to reminisce with us, you can read the chapter from our book about that meeting.

The book hasn't been proofread..... Just so you know.

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