Thursday, December 27, 2007

Inlaws Coming and a House to Clean

I am not much of a cleaner. In fact, I'd rather do almost anything else. So, knowing that Bart's mom, aunt and sister are on their way, I know I SHOULD be rallying the troops to get things cleaned up around here. Instead I am beginning a huge project for work and widdling away at the many piles on my desk. I know what I SHOULD be doing. It's just doing it that is hard.

We have had some very mellow days around here. Much electronic stimulation and not a lot of fighting. Salinda on house arrest is nice because she isn't consistently asking to do things we won't give her permission to do. Kyle has been very patient. The other kids have been remarkably mellow.

I know it won't last too long... that we need to start structuring their days ... but it has been fun to have just a few days of quiet.

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