Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Is This My Kid?

I'm not going to put things into detail here. But the bottom line is that I had several conversations with the people where John is yesterday about his transition and about us not allowing him to come for Christmas. I thought we were very clear.

This morning I got an email from John's social worker detailing the meeting yesterday. It was so much different than what we had talked about yesterday that I thought the email was about a different person.

So I called back the people today to make sure I had not been misunderstood. And no, I hadn't been. They weren't real sure where the social worker came up with his conclusions. I've decided that with all of these "misunderstandings" I need to just let go of the whole thing and let it play itself out. If I get too much in the middle, it will cause more trouble than it's worth. I started trying to piece together what everyone was saying about Salinda a couple months ago, and that didn't go well as I was accused of miscommunication.

So once again we are going to have to sit back and watch whatever happens happen. The unfortunate part of it all, is that when he hits 18, he will no longer be anyone's case.

But he will still be our son.

And the decisions that everyone else is making now will affect him, and affect us. But ultimately not affect all those "everyone elses" who have the power now.

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