Sunday, December 09, 2007

Oh My Goodness

It has been quite the 24 hours. I have several things I need to finish up before we leave for church where, upon attending services, we will leave for New Orleans.

Bart scooped me at midnight last night when I was too tired to blog. But the bottom line is that our son Mike is back on the County Jail Custody list and I must say I am relieved. Getting him there was a not so pleasant 90 minutes, but you can read about those minutes on Bart's blog.

If I have time this morning and everything else is done, I will tell you about my day yesterday. It was one of those days -- we don't have them very often -- where the stress was overwhelming, I was not pleased with my response to it, and there were moments when I wasn't sure I'd make it through.

And because of that, I have stuff for church yet undone. SO you'll have to, once again, wait for details.

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