Sunday, December 02, 2007

Random Events and Thoughts from a Sunday

Bart is up talking to Mike about something important. I am down here stressing about it.

So, to take my mind off that, I figured I would share some random thoughts about today.

It's Jimmy's birthday so Bart is making homemade pizza (well, right now I guess Sadie is making it since Bart is talking). He is choosing to go to a pro hockey game sometime soon (was supposed to today but roads are icy) so he is not having presents. It should be a fun low key evening (if the thing with Mike is resolved).

This morning in church we were reading the story of the angel appearing to Mary. Mary asks, (in the message translation), "how can this be since I have not slept with a man?" Immediately Wilson turns around and says to me, accusatorily, "YOU HAVE!"

Nobody wanted to stay through both services this morning so it was stressful making them do so. In our former town we did it every week, but we've kind of gotten out of the habit, and now that both services are so different, we're trying to get back to the point where we all go to both. It's not going to be easy.

1 comment:

  1. I am praying that the conversation between Bart and Mike brought forth the info which was needed. What a tough way to start a week, I will be praying for you all. Barb
