Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Same Exact Thing

OK, there is ONE reason why I am glad that Christmas break is coming up.

I am tired of the morning routine. It's the exact same thing, every single day. Of course, there are minor variations on the theme, but here is what it looks like.

Bart is up first and in the shower upstairs. I am up soon after and in the shower downstairs. Then Rand stumbles up the stairs forgetting either his towel or his boxers. He has to be reminded that he'll need them nearly every day. Then Jimmy is up next, also forgetting one or the other. (I've had to really monitor this or else their basement room ends up with 15-20 towels in it, all dirty, scattered here and there).

Meanwhile, I'm in my office, beginning my work day, getting a half our of stuff done before it's time for me to wake up the rest. I wake up Tony first -- he will say something rude within 3 minutes of waking up and announce that he is not going to do what I say. Then it's Leon -- who will lie in bed an extra 15 minutes no matter what, but is always ready on time.

Then I head upstairs and get Dominyk's medication, which he will refuse to take until he thoroughly stretches, resulting in me having to remind him of potential consequences. Then he'll lie back down and refuse to get into the shower until again potential consequences are mentioned, at which point he will scream "FINE" and stomp to the shower. Wilson will allow a few hugs and kisses as he sits crosslegged on his top bunk looking extremely cute and very sleepy.

Dominyk will arrive in my office after his shower, dressed but missing something -- his shoes, his backpack, his coat. Tony will be rude and obnoxious. jimmy will get consequenced for something and begin a long series of muttering backtalk

Ricardo and Sadie will both get themselves ready in the morning and show up 2-5 minutes later than they are supposed to, ready for school.

And because our neighbor across the street (my new best friend) takes JImmy and Tony to school) the ride will be pleasant, very different from the way it was before.

And tomorrow, I'll get up, and do it all again.

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