Monday, December 24, 2007

Well, At Least It's Over for Now

Bart was down in my office as I'm finishing up the Calendars and printing Christmas letters. He was getting ready to leave and I said, "Aren't you nervous that Mike is going to call?" No, he said. I said, "Because you think he won't?" "No," he said. Because if he does I'm not goign to get it bother me."

Not more than 3 minutes later he called and here is the conversation almost exactly.

Hey mom?


So, do you guys want me to come home for Christmas?

No, Mike. I'm sorry you can't come home. The kids are worried that if you know what they get you might steal it.

They would never think that if YOU didn't put that in their heads.

No, Mike, you've done it so many times now they are worried.

So, am I getting anything?

Well, Mike, I talked to Dad and he said that you have an IPod and a Nintendo DS for Christmas (things he stole from us).

(Bart walks in)

In fact, here's Dad. (I handed the phone to him knowing that he would handle it better than I). ANd MIke says


What do you mean, what?

You want to talk to me.

Well, I didn't say I wanted to necessarily, but I will.

Well if don't want to talk to me then "CLICK"

End of conversation

So, tell me how I should feel? Should I feel guilty? Sad? Grieving? Should I feel relieved that the call is over? Should I worry that he'll come anyway? What exactly should I feel?


  1. I would feel relieved. Personally, I wouldn't feel so much guilty but more so saddened that it had come to this point. You do the best you can with him. I hope y'alls Christmas is joyous and blessed:)

  2. It's possible to have a lot of emotions, conflicting or not. In fact, it's normal.
