Friday, January 25, 2008

Breakfast at Desk

I'm starting to try to eat healthier .... again. For some reason, the whole thing makes me crabby. I don't really care about food as much as one might think... until I am trying to eat right. There are days when I eat very little, when I'm not "dieting" but as soon as I start trying to eat right, I start to feel hungry all the time, my stomach growls, and ... yes ... I get CRABBY.

This morning Bart offered to make oatmeal (he's helping me decide what to eat). I agreed that I would like some and hopped in the shower. Sat down to read blogs and fit a few minutes in on a work project and waited for me to call him upstairs. All the sudden, appearing at my desk, is Bart with oatmeal, toast and a banana.

I've never enjoyed attempting to eat breakfast in my bed. But you gotta a love a man who'll bring you breakfast at desk.

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous.

    Oh yeah. You've been tagged.
